The DSL-120A is equipped with two side-scan
sonars-one that maps to the right, and one that maps to the
left. Each sonar has one pinger that sends sound waves to
the ocean floor once every 0.8 seconds, and two receivers
that catch the echoes. The sonars gather two types of information.
First, they measure the intensity of the returning signal.
Just as a tennis ball bounces higher off a driveway than off
soft grass, sound waves bounce harder off hard surfaces than
soft surfaces. Second, the sonar measures the bathymetry or
contours of the surface it is mapping. For more details on
the DSL-120, click
Please see our Data Samples page for examples of data collected by DSL-120 and processed by GeoDAS-PC.
OIC supports the DSL-120 with a
custom UNIX-based version of GeoDAS-DSL. Parties interested
in more information on the interface with the DSL-120 should
contact OIC. |