© 2013 Oceanic Imaging Consultants, Inc.
Service + Software for Seafloor Mapping
Analog Sidescan Sonars / GeoAcoustics
Sensors Supported:
GeoAcoustics, of Great Yarmouth, UK, manufactures a dual-frequency sidescan sonar system to which we eventually hope to interface. The system offers high resolution, switch selectable, dual frequency operation (114/410 kHz). This also facilitates simple installation onto remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and combined systems towfish.
The standard system employs a lightweight towfish, which is easily deployed by one person, and can operate to a depth of 1,000 meters. There are separate controls for each channel, which makes the system very easy to operate.
Optional extras include a deeper rated towfish, a towfish instrumentation package and a stainless steel towbody. The basic system includes a transceiver (model SS981) and a towfish (model 159D), which houses the Multi-plexer (model SS982) and two Dual Frequency Transducers (model 196D/Port and Starboard).
OIC supports the GeoAcoustics Sidescan with GeoDAS-GA, using the optional external trigger mode providing a full control, logging and real-time processing solution. For details, see the GeoDAS section.